You guys (and girls especially) may have noticed that here
at CrossFit Local we force you to do pull ups without using bands. I believe
that this is definitely a step in the right direction for everyone. I
actually removed the banded pull-up from our classes by substituting
ring rows, which teach you to engage the large muscles of the back and
not just rely on your little arms.
For the WODs themselves, I would MUCH rather see you scale
down the number of pull-ups and not use a band than get your foot into 3
green bands, lean back, and crank out 100 unbroken. Focus on quality of
movement, developing the necessary strength, and just be patient.
While you’re at it, immediately print off a copy of Scott Hagnas’ Pullup Progression Chart.
Practice those 2-3x per week and you’ll have your first strict/kipping/weighted/chest-to-bar in no time flat!
Also, jumping pull-ups should NEVER be used in a WOD. They
are a one-way ticket to localized rhabdo in the connective tissue of the
elbow. The strong muscles of the lower body used in jumping tire far
less easily than the small ones in your arms. This leads to overuse and
abuse of the biceps/forearms. The ring row is infinitely more scaleable
and actually teaches you to use the lats, traps, rhomboids, and every
other muscle IN YOUR BACK which leads to the next point.
The primary movers in the pull-up are NOT the biceps.
Jumping/banded pull-ups would lead you to believe otherwise but any CFer
worth their salt will tell you that after a heavy day of pull-ups,
their back is extremely sore. That’s because they’re using it instead of
just their tiny little biceps.
The last reason that we do not use bands is because you get
attached to them. It’s pretty tough to give up something that allows
you to do 20 pull-ups and move to something that only allows 5. We
realized that it can be a hard addiction to break and decided to help
you with your little “problem.” For some of you, you can’t miss what you
never had

Ready to get that pull up?
- Print the progression chart and get started, TODAY!
- Set up a half hour skill session with Coach Kelly
Hi Kelly,
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed our six PT sessions and how helpful they were. Working me through getting my first toes to bar (which I’m still working with banded feet :), as well as working through the pull up and handstand push up progressions has made these moves seem more obtainable. It’s also really great to understand how to work the progressions at my level. Finally, taking me through working to a 1 rep max and a new clean and jerk PR was great and really showed me how continuing to work on technique helps the weight seem lighter! Thanks again for all of your help. I look forward to working with you again and getting that elusive pull up :)!
Kelly W
Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - a strength and conditioning program centered on functional fitness. We believe that people of all ages and levels of activity benefit from combining basic functional movements in varied ways to elicit greater personal fitness. We use pullups, lifts, gymnastics movements, running, rowing, climbing, kettlebells, sandbags, and even tire flips to produce rapid fitness results. We specialize in not specializing. We train the young, the old, the professional athlete, the weekend warrior, the student, the parent, and the beginner. CrossFit produces world class athletes and healthy individuals.
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