Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Crossfit Local Chapel Hill: Feeding Yourself

by Coach Chad

You entered this path to fitness and joined this great community at Crossfit Local in Chapel hill. But have oyu thought about what you put into your body? Ever thought about how cool it would be to have a garden in your yard? You could grow organic vegetables that could be eaten at any time. But isn’t that a little daunting? I mean who has the time or the space?
The true answer is that we all do! Being an effiency expert, I’ve discovered the path to vegetable-growing elightenment – Square Foot Gardening. It’s cheap, super simple and only takes up 16 sq ft (4′ x 4′) of yard space. We live in a town house and have room for two of them out back. Even better, it provides a ton of different vegetables at a fraction of the cost of what you’d pay in the grocery store. Other benefits include:
  • Much less work. Conventional gardening requires heavy tools to loosen the soil, whereas in this method, the soil is never compacted and it remains loose and loamy. Weeding takes only seconds to minutes, due to the light soil, raised beds, and easily accessed plants. Harvests per foot of garden are increased due to the rich soil mixture, well-spaced plants, and lack of weeds produced when following Mel Bartholomew’s method.
  • Water Savings. The soil mixture that is advised has water-holding capacities, so that the garden needs water less frequently, and in much smaller quantities than when using other gardening methods. Water is also spared by hand-watering directly at the plant roots, so that there is very little waste[1] and tender young plants and seedlings are preserved.
  • Very little weeding. One benefit of this close planting is that the vegetables form a living mulch, and shade out many weed seeds before they have a chance to germinate.
  • Pesticide / Herbicide Free. Natural insect repellent methods like companion planting (i.e. planting marigolds or other naturally pest-repelling plants) become very efficient in a close space and thus, pesticides are not necessary. The large variety of crops in a small space also prevents plant diseases from spreading easily[2]
So do something awesome and grow yourself some organic goodness. Start a Square Foot Garden!

Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - a strength and conditioning program centered on functional fitness. We believe that people of all ages and levels of activity benefit from combining basic functional movements in varied ways to elicit greater personal fitness. We use pullups, lifts, gymnastics movements, running, rowing, climbing, kettlebells, sandbags, and even tire flips to produce rapid fitness results. We specialize in not specializing. We train the young, the old, the professional athlete, the weekend warrior, the student, the parent, and the beginner. CrossFit produces world class athletes and healthy individuals.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What is CrossFit Kids?

by Coach Chad
CrossFit Teens is not simply a scaled down version of CrossFit Local workouts. It is entirely, absolutely CrossFit geared and designed for a special population and the specific developmental needs of that population (neurological, cognitive, motor). Since late 2004 CrossFit Teens has been Forging The Future Of Fitness and is currently in over 400 gyms in North America, Australia, Europe, Africa, India, Japan and Panama. CrossFit Teens is a strength and conditioning program that is specifically designed for kids and teenagers and helps them develop a lifelong love of fitness. In a group setting, children and teens participate in fun and engaging workouts that deliver measurable results and prepare them to be well-rounded athletes. With a network of over 2000 CrossFit Teens trainers, CrossFit Teens is being implemented in schools with before- and after-school programs and integration into Physical Education curriculum. contains thousands of archived workouts, video demonstrations and informative articles that provide interested parents or teachers with a foundation for understanding how the CrossFit Teens program can be implemented at home or at school. CrossFit Teens workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that deliver a fitness that is broad, inclusive and general and scaleable for any participant at any level.

What Does this mean?

This means that, for the most part, no two workouts are the same, so kids and teens never get bored and the novelty of each workout keeps them excited about participating. The functional movements involve exercises that are fundamental to all things that kids need to do when they play-pull, push, run, throw, climb, lift and jump. All of the movements are taught safely and effectively under the close supervision of thoroughly trained CrossFit Teens trainers. When fitness is defined as broad, inclusive and general it means that participants will become well-rounded athletes who will be better at any and every sport that they play because CrossFit Teens doesn’t coach them to be good at just one thing. Our workouts will increase physical competence in 10 fitness domains: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy. With workouts that are scaleable, CrossFit Teens can equally benefit a person who is less active or an accomplished athlete by tailoring workouts so that each participant is challenged just enough to deliver measurable results and personal athletic progress.

CFL TEENS is up an running. Check out our program and scheduling

Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - a strength and conditioning program centered on functional fitness. We believe that people of all ages and levels of activity benefit from combining basic functional movements in varied ways to elicit greater personal fitness. We use pullups, lifts, gymnastics movements, running, rowing, climbing, kettlebells, sandbags, and even tire flips to produce rapid fitness results. We specialize in not specializing. We train the young, the old, the professional athlete, the weekend warrior, the student, the parent, and the beginner. CrossFit produces world class athletes and healthy individuals.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Crossfit Local Chapel Hill: Olympic Lifting Variations

Olympic Lifting Variations 
 by Coach Chad

Still confused about the olympic lifts? He jerked WHAT and you saw her SNATCH? I just hope they CLEANed up afterwards! Being serious though, this stuff isn’t that hard. You just have to understand a few basic concepts her at Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill:

There are three basic olympic lifts:
  1. Snatch – Taking the bar from the ground to overhead in one motion.
  2. Clean – Taking the bar from the ground to the shoulders in one motion.
  3. Jerk – Taking the bar from the shoulders to overhead in one motion.
During an olympic lifting meet, competitors are tested on their 1-rep max snatch (the more technical of the two) and their 1-rep max clean & jerk (usually the heavier of the two).
In order to train a certain portion of each lift or to sure up a weakness, we can introduce further variations of each lift. The following pertain to both the snatch and clean:
  1. Full – The bar starts on the floor and the athlete must perform a full squat in the receiving position. This is also known as the squat snatch/clean.
  2. Hang – This refers to the STARTING position. The bar is hanging with the arms straight and typically stays above the knees.
  3. Power – This refers to the FINISHING position. The bar is received high enough that a full squat is not necessary.
  4. Hang Power – This means that the bar starts hanging close to the waist and finishes without a full squat; a combination of the previous two.
The jerk also has a few variations:
  1. Push/Power – The bar is received overhead with the feet underneath the hips/shoulders in a partial squat.
  2. Split – The bar is received overhead with the feet in a partial lunge.
  3. Squat – An uncommon variation due to the extremely shoulder flexibility required.
Hopefully that helps you better understand the different variations. For those of you who are visual learners, check out this video from CrossFit Birmingham.

What’s your excuse? Join the 29 others on CF Local’s Open Team already!

Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - a strength and conditioning program centered on functional fitness. We believe that people of all ages and levels of activity benefit from combining basic functional movements in varied ways to elicit greater personal fitness. We use pullups, lifts, gymnastics movements, running, rowing, climbing, kettlebells, sandbags, and even tire flips to produce rapid fitness results. We specialize in not specializing. We train the young, the old, the professional athlete, the weekend warrior, the student, the parent, and the beginner. CrossFit produces world class athletes and healthy individuals.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chapel Hill Crossfit: What’s in that bottle anyway?

What’s in that bottle anyway?  
by Coach Kelly

I get asked this question a lot here at CrossFit Local. My answer depends on when you’re asking.

Prior to a WOD when I’m sliding my weight belt on and tying my lifting shoes, the answer is simple: AUX. This is a pre-WOD supplement containing amino acids that I have found to enhance my performance. One scoop + water = PRs! Works for me.

Right after I pick my sweaty, out-of-breath-self off the floor, I hustle off to make a beautiful post-WOD concoction. And no, this is not of the ‘it’s 5 o’clock somewhere’ variety.

First, why does it matter that I make this drink so quickly after my WOD?

The first 30 minutes (up to an hour) post WOD is a time period when amino acids and glycogen can be readily absorbed while decreasing inflammation. Read: faster recovery.

Second, why do I care about this drink?

Because I care about my performance, fitness and strength gains as well as my recovery. I like increasing muscle strength while minimizing muscle damage. WODs are hard on your body. Do what you can to speed up recovery and you’ll be less sore and see faster strength and conditioning gains.

Last, seriously, what’s in it?

Okay, okay here’s my secret:

Coconut water – I LOVE it in my shake! it’s great for recovery & it tastes really good :) It’s basically nature’s Gatorade.

Whey Protein – Mine is the Stronger Faster Healthier, grass-fed free-range variety (in chocolate). One scoop = strength & recovery.

Creatine – One scoop; Replenishes ATP = speed, strength and endurance

Glutamine – One scoop; Amino acid that helps build protein = recovery.

Interested in trying out some protein without buying a 2 lb container first? Try one of the single-serving sizes in the CFL Pro Shop!

E-mail me with questions!

Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - a strength and conditioning program centered on functional fitness. We believe that people of all ages and levels of activity benefit from combining basic functional movements in varied ways to elicit greater personal fitness. We use pullups, lifts, gymnastics movements, running, rowing, climbing, kettlebells, sandbags, and even tire flips to produce rapid fitness results. We specialize in not specializing. We train the young, the old, the professional athlete, the weekend warrior, the student, the parent, and the beginner. CrossFit produces world class athletes and healthy individuals.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Chapel Hill Fitness: Pull-up Strength at CrossFit Local

You guys (and girls especially) may have noticed that here at CrossFit Local we force you to do pull ups without using bands. I believe that this is definitely a step in the right direction for everyone. I actually removed the banded pull-up from our classes by substituting ring rows, which teach you to engage the large muscles of the back and not just rely on your little arms.

For the WODs themselves, I would MUCH rather see you scale down the number of pull-ups and not use a band than get your foot into 3 green bands, lean back, and crank out 100 unbroken. Focus on quality of movement, developing the necessary strength, and just be patient.

While you’re at it, immediately print off a copy of Scott Hagnas’ Pullup Progression Chart.
Practice those 2-3x per week and you’ll have your first strict/kipping/weighted/chest-to-bar in no time flat!
Also, jumping pull-ups should NEVER be used in a WOD. They are a one-way ticket to localized rhabdo in the connective tissue of the elbow. The strong muscles of the lower body used in jumping tire far less easily than the small ones in your arms. This leads to overuse and abuse of the biceps/forearms. The ring row is infinitely more scaleable and actually teaches you to use the lats, traps, rhomboids, and every other muscle IN YOUR BACK which leads to the next point.

The primary movers in the pull-up are NOT the biceps. Jumping/banded pull-ups would lead you to believe otherwise but any CFer worth their salt will tell you that after a heavy day of pull-ups, their back is extremely sore. That’s because they’re using it instead of just their tiny little biceps.

The last reason that we do not use bands is because you get attached to them. It’s pretty tough to give up something that allows you to do 20 pull-ups and move to something that only allows 5. We realized that it can be a hard addiction to break and decided to help you with your little “problem.” For some of you, you can’t miss what you never had :)
Ready to get that pull up?
  1. Print the progression chart and get started, TODAY!
  2. Set up a half hour skill session with Coach Kelly
Hi Kelly,
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed our six PT sessions and how helpful they were. Working me through getting my first toes to bar (which I’m still working with banded feet :), as well as working through the pull up and handstand push up progressions has made these moves seem more obtainable. It’s also really great to understand how to work the progressions at my level. Finally, taking me through working to a 1 rep max and a new clean and jerk PR was great and really showed me how continuing to work on technique helps the weight seem lighter!  Thanks again for all of your help. I look forward to working with you again and getting that elusive pull up :)!
Kelly W

Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - a strength and conditioning program centered on functional fitness. We believe that people of all ages and levels of activity benefit from combining basic functional movements in varied ways to elicit greater personal fitness. We use pullups, lifts, gymnastics movements, running, rowing, climbing, kettlebells, sandbags, and even tire flips to produce rapid fitness results. We specialize in not specializing. We train the young, the old, the professional athlete, the weekend warrior, the student, the parent, and the beginner. CrossFit produces world class athletes and healthy individuals.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - The Proper Use of Chalk

The Proper Use of Chalk
by Coach Andrew

Since summer is coming to an end and the weather is starting to cool off slightly, I wanted to write a post on the proper use of chalk. I realize it can get pretty hot and sweaty during the summer, so sometimes it may be acceptable to use chalk so your hands can stay somewhat dry, however in my experience less is more when it comes to chalk use. As the box starts to cool down, I would like everyone to take these tips into consideration next time you reach into the chalk bucket.

The main purpose of chalk is to absorb moisture and increase friction between your hand and the bar/kettlebell/ring/etc. While this may help you hang on, a major drawback of the increased friction is that it will tear up your hands in the process. If you have ever experienced a torn callous, you know they are something to avoid at all costs. About two years ago, I tried an experiment. I stopped using chalk during my WODs as much as possible and limited my chalk use to mainly Olympic weightlifting and the strength portion of my workout. Low and behold all hand tears ceased, even after performing over 100 pull-ups, kettlebell swings, etc. in a WOD. Secondly, I know some people will use chalking up subconsciously as an excuse to take an extra breath or rest during the workout. Fewer trips to the chalk bucket will lead to faster WOD times, higher intensity, and faster progress all around!

Now that we know excessive chalk use can lead to tears, let’s talk about when and how to properly use it. As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I will mostly use chalk in the Olympic lifts and other strength work. Since these lifts involve speed, power, and strength, it is crucial to not let your grip slip. Chalk will be instrumental in maintaining a firm grip on the bar, therefore not letting grip be a limiting factor in the lift. The proper way to add chalk is to apply it to you hands in the areas that will contact the bar during the lift. Ideally, we want to take a solid chunk of chalk and paint it too the palm of your hands focusing on your fingers, thumb, and the upper portion of your palm. Sometimes there may not be a solid piece, so just use the powder in the same fashion.

I would like everyone to go into the fall and winter with these guidelines in mind. It is not necessary to chalk up the entire pull-up bar before a WOD begins. This is a waste of chalk and just creates a mess in the gym. Apply it to your hands and maybe to the part of the bar where your hands will meet if it’s a particularly hot and sweaty day. Try to limit the use of chalk during the WOD portion of class and primarily use it during your strength lifts. You may be surprised when tears disappear and you realize that your performance in the WOD was not affected at all.

Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - a strength and conditioning program centered on functional fitness. We believe that people of all ages and levels of activity benefit from combining basic functional movements in varied ways to elicit greater personal fitness. We use pullups, lifts, gymnastics movements, running, rowing, climbing, kettlebells, sandbags, and even tire flips to produce rapid fitness results. We specialize in not specializing. We train the young, the old, the professional athlete, the weekend warrior, the student, the parent, and the beginner. CrossFit produces world class athletes and healthy individuals.

Crossfit Local Chapel Hill - Tips for Improved Wrist Mobility

Tips for Improved Wrist Mobility
Written by Nichole DeHart for

Lack of wrist mobility can be the limiting factor for many of our members in movements like cleans and front squats. I usually hear comments like ‘my wrists feel like they are going to break’ or ‘there is piercing pain shooting up my forearm.’ These are statements that I would prefer not to hear from an athlete. However, your poor wrist mobility (and more than likely, your accompanying poor thoracic mobility/posture) can be caused by many factors, such as typing at your keyboard all day and checking Facebook too often. If you can’t break your Facebook habit then here are some sure fire ways to improve your wrist mobility:

1) Wrist Rotations. This is very basic. Wrap your fingers together and move your wrists around in every possible direction. Hold any position that feels a little tender/limited for a few seconds. Repeat often throughout the day.

2) Planche Push Up Position. Get into a plank position (elbows fully extended at the top of the push up). Turn your hands inward so your fingertips are pointing toward your toes. Keeping a rigid torso, shift your body forward so you have an angle from your shoulders to wrists. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds (or as long as you can bear) and repeat. If this is too intense, drop down to your knees and complete.

3) Front Squat Rack Position. If this position is bothering you as you front squat, chances are you need to get your wrists working through the range of motion required for a front squat. It is not your wrists holding the bar in place, it is your shoulders but . . . you need good wrist mobility to get that heavy bar sitting correctly on top of your shoulders. Load a bar on a desired rack setting. Set up in a rack position, with your elbows pointing as far forward as possible and weight sitting on your shoulders. Pick up the bar and rotate your elbows forward, then re rack the bar. Repeat this process until you see a change in your rack position.
4) Static Holds. Pull your wrist back into extension and/or flexion and hold for at least 20-30 seconds.

5) Wrist Walks. I just discovered this drill and love it. Place your palms on a wall, with your arms straight and fingers pointing to the ceiling. Keeping contact with the wall, walk your hands down the wall. Go as far down as possible without letting your palms come off the wall. Once you reach the point where you can’t walk your hands down any farther, turn your hands around so your fingers are now pointing to the floor. Walk your wrists back up the wall as far upward as possible. Repeat as desired.

6) Check Your Keyboard. Get your wrists in a neutral position when typing! Check out Invictus extraordinaire Cynthia Lumley’s article on a standing work desk.
Enjoy these drills and I wish you good wrist health! If you have other wrist drills that have helped you improve your wrist mobility then please post them to the comments section.

Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - a strength and conditioning program centered on functional fitness. We believe that people of all ages and levels of activity benefit from combining basic functional movements in varied ways to elicit greater personal fitness. We use pullups, lifts, gymnastics movements, running, rowing, climbing, kettlebells, sandbags, and even tire flips to produce rapid fitness results. We specialize in not specializing. We train the young, the old, the professional athlete, the weekend warrior, the student, the parent, and the beginner. CrossFit produces world class athletes and healthy individuals.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Crossfit Local - Chapel Hill: Victoria Baskett Vies for Miss NC Title

Crossfit Local - Chapel Hill
For those of you who haven’t met me yet, my name is Victoria Baskett. In June of 2013, I made five doctors visits in three days in Chapel Hill, North Carolina where I was attending summer school. The fifth and final visit was the UNC Emergency Department where I was placed into life-saving emergency surgery for a blockage in my airway caused by Ludwig’s Angina and received a tracheal intubation. I was in a medically induced coma and on life support for the three days to follow. If I had not been so persistent about my health care, and in tune enough with my body to know something was wrong other than the diagnosis I kept receiving, I would not be here today.

With a story to tell, I have developed a platform from two common sayings that ring very true in my heart and life. “Get In Tune” is a phrase that was used by my high school wind ensemble instructor at the beginning of every class meeting. As I think about the importance of having my flute in tune before I play, I relate it to the importance of having your individual instrument (your body) in tune to be able to live a healthy life. The other part of my platform title, “JUST BREATHE,” is derived from simple instructions the doctor gave me in the Emergency Room while waiting for surgery. He stated, “Victoria your job for me now is to just breathe.” I am now partnering with the NC Children’s Airway Center, relating to each individual child’s experience with the job of needing to JUST BREATHE.

This will be my personal platform as I compete for the title of Miss North Carolina this coming June as your Miss Greater Cape Fear 2014. June will be a monumental month for me. As I chase my dreams and vie for this prestigious title, the month will also mark one year of me becoming a survivor, and forever being thankful for each day this beautiful life gives us.

My commitment to training at CrossFit Local for Miss North Carolina has changed my life in more way than one. The most important way is that I now know that I can and absolutely will reach any goal that I set for myself with hard work and determination. The stories of the coaches and athletes, and their support in this journey, provide me with constant motivation. I know that each weight I lift, each pull-up I attempt to do (I will get one sometime soon!), and every push up my shaking arms complete are only making me that much stronger on the inside and out!

Thank you Chad, Kelly, each of the coaches and all of the athletes at CrossFit Local for supporting me on this journey!

Crossfit Local in Chapel Hill - a strength and conditioning program centered on functional fitness. We believe that people of all ages and levels of activity benefit from combining basic functional movements in varied ways to elicit greater personal fitness. We use pullups, lifts, gymnastics movements, running, rowing, climbing, kettlebells, sandbags, and even tire flips to produce rapid fitness results. We specialize in not specializing. We train the young, the old, the professional athlete, the weekend warrior, the student, the parent, and the beginner. CrossFit produces world class athletes and healthy individuals.